Niels Bohr

First to create what? Won Nobel Prize when? Allowed Scientist to do what?
Atomic Structure 1922 Created hydrogen model
atomic structure atomic structure creator of atomic structure
Wikipedia, Niels Bohr, Physician
Geeksforgeeks, Atomic Structure
Britannica, Bohr Atomic Model

Bohr's greatest contribution to modern physics was that he was the first to create the Atomic Model. This new model gave us a new understanding on the structure of the atom itself. His model demonstrates atoms as one of the smallest items, with a positively charged nucleus that is surrounded by orbiting electrons. He was also the first to discover that electrons travel in separate orbits around the nucleus. His work later won him the Nobel Prize for his discovery in 1922. It was discovered that the property of an element is discovered by the number of electrons in the outer orbit. His model would later on allow scientists to create a more accurate model for hydrogen. Click on their image to go to their Wikipedia page.

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