James Chadwick

Discovered what about the structure? Revision of atomic structure caused what? What did the stablization of uranium do?
Discovered there were also neutrons Neutrons to be added to it Help create the first atomic bomb.
creator of neutron creator of neutron creator of neutron
Noble Prize, James Chadwick, Facts
Study.com, Neutron: Overview and Facts
Rincon Educativo, Atomic Model

Another person who contributed to the atomic structure was an English physicist named James Chadwick. He was able to discover that atoms weren't just protons and electrons but also had neutrons. This new discovery also allowed for the creation of atomic disintegration. While doing experiments, he repeated a popular experiment known as unknown radiation. His new discoveries led to a revision of the atomic structure to include neutrons. With this experiment, he was able to measure the exact mass of the neutron. According to him, a neutron was a subatomic particle that has about the same amount of mass that a proton has. His discoveries allowed for Uranium-235 to be stabilized by other chemists later led to the creation of the first atomic bomb. Click on their image to go to their Wikipedia page.

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